martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

Corporation strategies, useful or damaging?

The main purpose of any company and the reason why it was created was to generate profits, big corporations generate work and move economy but the question is at what expenses?, this huge entities seem to have forgotten the moral values an d the human rights while they seek for more profis and power.

In order to reach their goals and increase the profits, organizations implement tactics that are not always ethical and that have colateral negative effects.

Competitors are a reality that all corporations have to face every day but sometimes the strategies that they use to compit in the market are lead to eliminate the competitor like dumping (selling under production costs) and disloyal competition. Big companes are always tryig to absorb the samller competitors in order to get bigger and more powerfuli the market and in society.

But the competitors are not the only victims of these tactics, corporations also hurt employees when they contract labour hand in poor developing countries, because it is somuch cheaper dued to the condtions these persons livei n and the necesty they have, so they work for amisery salary or even just for food.

They also hurt customers with their agressive marketing campains that create false needs taht has to be satisfied; for example blackberry, who needs to be online and have access to internet all the time?, we can definitelylife without it, but they make customers think they really need this phone. They hurt customers too when the products they buy dont have the quality they expected, because of the constant reducing costs strategiesthat end up in not only custumer disatisfaction, but also in illness and even death (for example in the pharmaceutical and food industry).

Corporations have huge reponsibility over environmental damage, because they contamnate the ir and the water with their trash, which is not always correctly treatedin order to save money.

The reason why corporations are becaoming richer and more powerfull in societyis that they are treated like persons now, because they are considered legal persons, so they have the same rights of any hman being, but they are not punished as human beings are when they make mistakes.

Despite the size and the power of corporations it is our responsibility as consumers and future managers to chnge the way they make profits, by reminding them that altough money is unexpendable to life, giving back something to society has more value.

lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

Women and Migration

Migration is a phenomenom that affects people in many different ways, like social, economic, cultural and emotional. It consists on people leaving their home countries voluntarily with the purpuse of finding a better quality of life, more job opportunities, and even more cultural and religious freedom.

There can be many reasons why persons decide tomigrate to another country, sometimes they are merly economic, when people find better wages, other times they are more drastic, like political and cultural persecution, political instability, violence, poverty and discrimination.

Inmigrants are a very vulnerable segment of the population, they are sometimesdiscriminted by they culture, as it is the case of Muslim peole in the United States; they also have less job opportunities because they are often exploited by big companies who hires them as cheap labour hand with terrible job conditions that does not allow then to reach their expected gosls, by the contrary, the live in conditions of misery and extreme poverty.

Inmigrant women are even more vulnerable, they are weaker and more propense to sexual abuse, violence and explotation, specially in countrieswith lawas that doesn`t protect them from gender discrimination as it is also the case of Muslim countries. An example that perfectly ilustratesthos is the situation of women explotation in Sri Lanka, where they work many hours for a minimun pay and the country government doesn`t do very much about i.

In Order to fight against these situations many NGO`S have taken actions but the one that has done the must important job in this field is the IOM (International Organization for Migration) who cares and works for the migrant persons to have better life conditions, it fight for their rights, health and gender discrimination by promoting the international migration law.

The role of this organization is more important every day because we are facing globalization and the movement of people from one country to another as human assets for companies is very common and important.

It is also important the concern for human righs of inmigrants because violence is increasing and it forces people to scape in order to save their lifes and in many occasions people take advantageof them.
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