domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010

The pygmalion effect

The pygamalion effect is a phenomenon that consist on affirmating that when the expectations put on a person are great, that person will perform better than if the expectations were low. It is also related with the constant need of looking for perfection (which does'nt exist), like the greek sculptorr of the story used to do, and he fell in love with a sculpture because no woman was perfect.

This facts are very easy to observe in people and companies, an example of it is Mc Donald's.

As it is already know there is no such a thing as perfection, there are not perfect markets or perfect clients, all of them have barriers (specially cultural) and that is why the company must addapt in order to succed, instead of looking for perfection. By the other hand when a company is big and importan as Mc Donald's people have huge expectations and the company itself have huge expectations upon the employees, this is some king of presure that can make them work more effiently.

An specifict case that perfectly ilustrates whas has been already saidis the entrance of Mc Donald's to the indian market, it wasn´t perfect at all, it represented a big risk because of the cultural barriers, but the company didn't back up, they moved forward, even when they coulden´t sell products with meal (because the cow is their sagred animal), so they came up with new products made with curry, soja, chiken and vegetables. The strategy was totally succesfull and the comapny had a godd customer acceptance in the country that has definitly contributed to its grow, this would have never happened if they had try to enter in a more perfect market for their products or if they hadn't had so much presure upon their shoulders.

It also has to be said that hen a company is trying to go forward it has more presure and it forces the managers to develop better strategies to achieve the goals, like the idea of developing new products for a new market.

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